Introduction to spatial analysis in R

20-21 May 2019, Bilbao,
Universidad del País Vasco

Seminar held by:
Tomas Formanek
Department of Econometrics (Faculty of Informatics and Statistics)
University of Economics, Prague

Day 1 (20. 5. 2019): R/RStudio for spatial analysis

Seminar 1: R & RStudio (09:00 - 10:15)

Seminar 2: Data handling and plotting I. – Tools (10:30 - 11:45)

Seminar 3: Data handling and plotting II. – Choropleths (12:00 - 13:15)

Day 2 (21. 5. 2019): Spatial analysis – an introduction

Seminar 1: Introduction to spatial statistics with applications in R (09:00 - 10:15)

Seminar 2: Introduction to spatial econometrics (10:30 - 11:45)

Seminar 3: Spatial econometric models (12:00 - 13:15)

Instructions for course participants

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